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A Ruislip resident has started a creative project which aims to help improve the lives of homeless people with the added benefit of saving the planet.

The Ruislip Crisp Packet Project recycles used crisp packets to make blankets which are then given to those in need. Zoe Jackman started the group in November 2020 after she was inspired by Pen Huston, the founder of the Crisp Packet Project.

She said: “The Crisp Packet Project makes blankets and bivvi bags out of crisp packets, covers them in plastic and distributes them to those in need via the use of charities and outreach teams. “It utilises crisp packets and plastic which would otherwise have gone into landfill. Each crisp packet takes 80 years to decompose.”

Zoe added that the blankets are easier than you think to make and she hopes more volunteers will sign up. She said: “Crisp packets are collected by local organisations, people in their homes and work places. These are then cut and washed by our volunteers so they are ready to be made into blankets. Each blanket takes 44 packets and a bivvi bag takes 150 packets. “These are then distributed to our volunteers who iron the packets into strips and then into blankets. The blankets are then covered in single use plastic so they are durable and waterproof.
